Cancellation policy

If you cancel your booking, you will immediately receive a refund of your paid booking amount minus our cancellation fees:

Cancellations within the first 48 hours after booking (timestamp of the booking in the booking system) are free of charge.

For cancellations after the first 48 hours after booking, we charge 10% of the total up to 28 days before the day of arrival booking amount, minus the cleaning fee and any additionally booked packages.

For cancellations within 28 days - 5 days before the day of arrival, we charge 50% of the total booking price, less the cleaning fee and any additional packages booked.

If a booking is canceled within 5 days before the day of arrival, we will charge 90% of the total booking amount, less the cleaning fee and any additional packages booked.

In the event of early departure, the full amount of the booking must be paid.
In the event of no-show without cancellation, the full booking amount, minus the cleaning fee and any additional packages booked, must be paid.

We are held in good faith to let our holiday apartment to someone else if a booking has not been taken up, in order to avoid losses and to keep the cancellation fees low for the guest.